Minister encourages inclusive implementation in health

Minister encourages inclusive implementation in health

Harare, 19 January 2011 -- The Honourable Minister of Health and Child Welfare, Dr H. Madzorera was speaking at the handover of an additional 5 000 copies of the National Health Strategy for Zimbabwe 2009 – 2013, by the Zimbabwe Healthcare Trust at the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare offices.

The Honourable Minister said inclusive implementation, which is the full and inclusive participation of all stakeholders in the successful implementation of the strategy for the health of the nation, is at the core of the National Health Strategy 2009 – 2013. He acknowledged the printing of the additional copies by the Zimbabwe Healthcare Trust as an example of such inclusivity, and encouraged all the stakeholders present to continue working together for the health of the nation. Dr Madzorera said the National Health Strategy lays out the priorities of the ministry very clearly and as such is the guiding principle for all players in health. He said the additional copies will make sure every health centre including the remotest rural clinics has a copy of the strategy to guide them. “We want to make sure the strategy is implemented at all levels, down to grassroots level,” said the Honourable Minister.

Partners who were instrumental in the development and initial printing of the strategy were also acknowledged by the Honourable Minister. These include WHO (who provided financial assistance for the development of the strategy); DFID and EGPAF (who supported the printing of the initial batch of the strategy) and other partners like UNICEF, UNFPA, NORAD, CWGH, UNAIDS, USAID, EC, among others who provided some technical assistance in the development process.

The Representative from the Zimbabwe Healthcare Trust, Ms R. Jena said they are proud to be associated with the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare, especially in the printing of the additional copies of the National Health Strategy which is a very important document. She said the National Healthcare Trust will continue to work with the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare to achieve the priorities laid out in the strategy.

For more information contact:
Wendy Julias: juliasw [at]